Find Out What You’ll Learn
"It's been three weeks since your workshop and I'm still floating on the good vibes. Words have escaped me. I just can't seem to formulate the right way to express my gratitude for your generosity, passion, and knowledge. You created and held a supportive environment for us to be open, vulnerable, and heart centered. Most importantly, at least for me, I left feeling both knowledgeable and ready to change the world." —Gloria
Nicole has learned that all people who come to doula trainings have all come via remarkable and diverse life journeys that have created a resilient, powerful and intuitive person. We welcome people from diverse backgrounds to come and share their wisdom with the group. We follow the methodology of popular education thereby creating space for workshop participants to discover. This method empowers participants to share their knowledge and experience, while learning from and sharing with one another. Workshops are hands-on, experiential, engaging, and filled with moments of laughter and tears as people share their stories.
Our 3.5-day workshop format includes everything you need to get started as a DONA International birth doula.
Introduction to Childbirth Education for Doulas class
DONA International Birth Doula
Breastfeeding for Doula
Access to GracefulFusion’s private Facebook group for the rest of your doula journey
AND MONTHLY mentorship calls after your training to ensure integration!
You will get all of that for just $585!
At the end of attending this interactive and intensive training you’ll be well on your way towards DONA International Birth Doula Certification. . Check HERE for a full listing of DONA International requirements.
Now is the time to become part of this extraordinary experience and become a birth doula. Birthing people around the world appreciate and value a doula's unique skill set.

The Birth Doula Training workshops will cover:
Role of the Doula
Understanding the impact of racism and colonialism on the birthing process
Advocacy language that empowers EVERYONE in the birthing room
Prenatal contact
What to pack in your Birth Bag
Emotional, physical, and informational support of women and families in the prenatal period, at birth, and in the early postpartum period
How to effectively involve other support people
Comfort measures
Common interventions and medications
The Power of Language
Social determinants of health and inequality
Supporting birthing people with epidurals
Breastfeeding initiation
How to become a certified doula with DONA International
Scope of Practice and Code of Ethics
Inter-professional Relationships
How to build a doula business
Pathways to Midwifery or Nursing
Self Care for Doulas
Supporting women from different cultural backgrounds
AND More!
This is a DONA approved birth doula workshop. This is one step towards becoming a certified doula. Check HERE for a full listing of requirements.
The childbirth education material is infused in to our Birth Doula Training workshop. This is why our Doula workshop is 4 days long and this is why our doulas leave feeling knowledgeable about the birthing process, not just with how to support an expectant family. You also will meet the DONA Birth Doula certification requirements for childbirth education needed for DONA International certification.
Topics covered:
Anatomy and Physiology of pregnancy,
Common discomforts of pregnancy, specifically the 3rd trimester, and helpful advice for dealing with them,
Phases and stages of labor,
Emotional changes during labor,
Common interventions
Tips for how to facilitate decisions in challenging childbirth situations
Cesarean birth
Neonate behavior and anatomy
Hormonal and Physiological changes of the new parent in the first 6 weeks postpartum
...all topics covered in this childbirth class will be discussed through the lens of a doula
Breastfeeding / Chestfeeding for Doulas
This interactive 3.5 hour interactive training will introduce:
Anatomy and physiology of the lactating breast
Learn best practice in supporting breastfeeding in the first hour after birth
Preventing problems with proper positioning and latch
Understanding infant feeding cues
Prenatal and mother/baby assessment
Identification and management of common breastfeeding challenges
The class will be taught by an experienced International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). This class will meet the DONA International Birth Doula certification requirement for breastfeeding education!!!
On a Mission
I became a Labor and Delivery Nurse after spending 8 years working as a full-time doula. I supported women at home, in birth centers, and at hospitals. Now as a L&D RN I support women birthing in a tub, on the toilet, standing in the shower, on a hospital bed, or in our OR. These workshops have been created out of what I've learned through attending hundreds of births as a birth doula and a labor and delivery nurse so that I can teach hands-on, practical skills to future doulas!
What I've learned (and what I teach) is that birth can not be reduced to simply a healthy baby and a healthy mom. Thus we take a multi-dimensional approach and combine the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of pregnancy and birth. Furthermore, birth is a Human Rights Issue!! Early in my birth career I worked for IMBCI and feel committed to bang on the drum that we all MUST collectively work on offering compassionate and competent care to ALL BIRTHING PEOPLE!!!!
The reality in America is that birth IS AFFECTED by race, class, religion, and sexual orientations. Until we knock those barriers to care down, the responsibility falls on all of our shoulders to highlight birth as a human right and reproductive justice issue. Gone are the days of only a 'mommy' and 'daddy' welcoming every baby earth side! And thank goodness for the end of that paradigm! To that end, I proudly stand by DONA International's vision of 'a doula for every birthing person who needs one' and offer scholarships to doulas of color and any other marginalized group by our patriarchal health care system. Additionally, we have started offering a community doula program.
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