Gracefully companioning birth and death.
As featured in:

"Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Nicole is this unknown magical producer, wanderlust, healer, coach, teacher, mermaid of a being, definitely already a mom birthing new souls one class at a time."
—Former Student
"My life’s calling was unveiled to me in this class, and I truly believe that it was due to the incredible support and education that Nic provided."
- Tali
“Nicole's Birth Doula Workshop was everything I needed to launch my career in birth work. I would recommend her workshop to anyone planning a career in maternal health or even someone seeking to support a loved one in their birth!”
- Sara
“Most of all, I enjoyed the sense of deep connection in the class. It was a place where we could share without judgement—a place where we could finally speak of our pain, our love, and our fears without saying sorry for feeling. Nic held a safe space for all of us, and we walked away knowing that our empathy on its own is enough to do this work (although obviously, she taught us tons of other skills too!).”
“Nic creates such a unique, empowering atmosphere for all people in her workshops. She creates this amazing doula-community at the workshop that continues even after training.”
— Dominique